Lofoio is an Association for social advancement (official italian definition is “associazione di promozione sociale” or APS), it aims to improve the lives of its members and change the reality around it for the better.
support the Association and the makerspace!
use lofoio
Become a member, use the makerspace, realize your creative project.
make a donation to lofoio
Any amount is welcome. All energy for our makerspace!
You can make a donation via this link.
You choose the amount and destination of the donation.
Or you can donate with a bank transfer: our IBAN is IT97O0503402801000000009399, the account is made out to Lofoio Associazione. Reason of payment: “erogazione liberale”.
collaborate with lofoio
Are you part of an association? Do you have a makerspace? Do you teach in a school? Do you have a project that intersects with ours?
Let’s cooperate!
talk about lofoio
Word of mouth! Lofoio thrives on human contact and widespread trust.
Nothing is worth more than your shared enthusiasm.
You can invite other makers to visit our space, you can share our telegram channel (it’s in italian), you can follow our social profiles.